“Love” Your Employees Enough to Help Them Succeed

“Love” Your Employees Enough to Help Them Succeed

One of the hardest things for any leader to do is address performance or behavior issues with an employee. The most common excuse I hear is, “I don’t want to be mean” or said in a different way, “I think it’s just a rough spot and it’ll work itself out.” But what few...
The Magical Human Resources Solution for a Truly Inclusive Culture

The Magical Human Resources Solution for a Truly Inclusive Culture

During the holidays everyone is looking for the magical solution for bridging various holiday beliefs and customs to ensure the holidays remain merry and bright. So, what exactly is the magical solution to an “inclusive” culture? In short, it’s The OC Equation™....
Costco Lives Values & Gives Thanks for Employee Efforts.

Costco Lives Values & Gives Thanks for Employee Efforts.

In our culture of consumerism, it’s often hard to turn down the allure of the all mighty dollar. In recent years, it’s become more acceptable for retail stores to open on Thanksgiving in their race to cash in on the holiday shopping rush. This shift in priorities...