Trending Topics

This is a hub for the latest updates in current events, and trending topics that are relevant to HR Strategies and HR Solutions for your business or organization.

Mastering the Art of Managing Remote Employees

Mastering the Art of Managing Remote Employees

Let’s face it, making the mental leap to managing remote employees can be one of the biggest challenges you’ll face as you consider implementing a telework policy. Most leaders, especially Baby Boomers, are accustomed to managing based on what I call “butts in seats”...

Return to Work Protocols Post COVID-19 Closure

Return to Work Protocols Post COVID-19 Closure

Returning Employees to work What if an Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19? As businesses begin to reopen, there are many questions and concerns about how to do that safely. Here are some best practice guidelines to manage both the needs of your employees and your...

Covid-19 HR Strategy

Covid-19 HR Strategy

ANNOUNCING THE COVID-19 HR STRATEGY HOTLINE As you are aware, the Coronavirus has taken the US and the world by storm. The world is currently in a global pandemic and the behavior changes required to stop the spread of the virus are beginning to affect every aspect of...