leadership development

HR Solutions by Design offers training that is both practical and interactive.

Attendees learn by doing, not by lecture. Sessions are usually limited to a maximum of 25 people in order to ensure that everyone participates and can ask questions about specific work situations.

Organizations may select any combination of courses to be taught as Leadership Academy or individual courses to target immediate needs.

Courses also can be customized according to the needs of the organization.

Now, we have even more options to meet your organization’s needs for learning & development!

Announcing our NEW Webinars and Virtual Learning Labs

2020 was a challenging year and many of our clients made the difficult decision to postpone training for the sake of all employees’ health and wellness. But postponing employee development indefinitely isn’t practical. We’re here to help!

We have taken our award-winning courses and turned them into pre-recorded micro 60-minute webinars or interactive, live 90-minute learning labs!

HR webinar training


Unlimited audience
Broad topic content
Self-learning by listening
Self-paced exploration

This experience allows participants to discover workplace skills and trends that may impact their ability to lead and succeed. This self-paced approach allows for exploration, discovery and learning.

What to Expect:

  • Customized topics for leaders and front-line employees.
  • A detailed participant guide designed as a thought provoking resource.
  • Includes polling and chat windows to involve participants in the topic.
  • Each webinar is 60 minutes in length and a link is provided for follow-up viewing.
  • Additional resources are provided to continue the learning experience.
Virtual Learning Labs

Virtual Learning Labs

Customized solutions for intact teams
Deep-dives into topic content
Live, virtual interaction
Team break-outs, discussions, and team exploration

This experience allows participants to actively engage with one another and the instructor as they explore topics and trends impacting their workplace and develop skills to excel in their roles.

This approach is lively, interactive and challenging.

What to Expect:

  • Customized topics based on your organization’s needs.
  • Executive, Leader and front-line employee opportunities
  • A detailed participant guide designed as a thought provoking resource.
  • Includes virtual team interactions, break-outs and discussions to allow participants to learn and grow as an intact team.
  • Each learning lab is 90 minutes in length and is recorded for follow-up viewing.
  • Follow-up materials are provided to continue the team’s interaction and learning experience.