Leadership Horse-ism* – We All Get Fat and Lazy in the Winter

It’s no secret, the colder and wetter the weather outside gets, the less active we become and the fatter we get – horses and businesses are no different. And just as my horses are growing fat and lazy standing in the pasture waiting for their next handout...

Organizational Culture – It’s Not Just Drinking the Kool-Aid

We’ve all heard the leadership cliché – “Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk”, but living that premise on a daily basis can be harder than it sounds. Leaders who are committed to creating a strong organizational culture capable of adapting to the global marketplace...

Ready, Set, Goal Get ‘Em!

Happy New Year!I hope you’re ready for your best year ever, I know I am! Yesterday as I was checking out at the grocery store the cashier startled me. As I was about to leave, she said “I hope you have a better 2011 than 2010”. Wow, why would she think I’d...

Are you Poised to WIN in 2010

Every organization and every employee has goals, these could be profit plan goals, sales goals, employee development goals, anything that is meaningful for your business, your career or your life! But, the difference between success or failure often depends on whether...