Goal Setting, Accountability and Hiring, Oh My!

You’ve started the year off by reviewing your strategic plan and setting S M A R T goals to ensure you have a specific, measurable action plan to achieve the strategic plan. You’re also beginning to use positive accountability to drive results and...

Beware the Devastating Effects of Inappropriate Accountability

Yesterday I posted a blog on accountability and its effect on achieving results. During that blog I emphasized the difference between the traditional, punitive definition and The Oz Principle definition that empowers people to take personal ownership for achieving...
See It and Achieve It – Foolproof Goal Setting

See It and Achieve It – Foolproof Goal Setting

I know I’ve already said it, but Happy New Year! I hope this is the best year ever for you and your business. With that said, how are YOU going to ensure it’s your best year? If you’re like most people, this is the time of year when our thoughts naturally turn...