It wasn’t long after my husband and I moved to Tennessee that we realized our beloved Quarter Horses weren’t going to cut it. All our friends rode gaited horses and when we would travel together their horses would leave us in the dust – literally. So, one...
This month I invited Kelly Blazek of Gemba Communications to be a guest writer and share her insights on leadership and communication with us from the perspective of a communication executive. Thanks Kelly! We’ve all heard of leaders that people would follow into a...
Are you an American Idol fan? Whether you are or not, it’s a great reminder of the importance of providing open, honest feedback on an employee’s job performance. Tonight, there were several contestants who rocked the house (Pia, Stefano, and James), while others...
As I watched yesterday’s National Championship game, it dawned on me that college football has the most awesome succession plan on the planet. Consider that they have no choice but to turn over EVERY position every 4 years, not to mention what happens if their star...
Happy New Year!I hope you’re ready for your best year ever, I know I am! Yesterday as I was checking out at the grocery store the cashier startled me. As I was about to leave, she said “I hope you have a better 2011 than 2010”. Wow, why would she think I’d...