This morning, as I was enjoying my 4:00 am workout a really slimey commercial for The Ladders came on TV. What made this commercial creepy was the fact that it depicted supposedly “executive-level” candidates slinking across the screen or dancing on top of desks like male and female strippers at a strip joint – along with a caption stating “Be more attractive to 100k+ employers. I couldn’t believe it! We’ve tried for years to educate employees (at all levels) of the harmful effects of sex bias and sexual harassment in the workplace and here comes an “executive” job board seemly promoting self exploitation if you want the be “attractive” to 100k+ employers. Now don’t get me wrong, I understand it’s a commercial for their resume service, but the visual images of how you get that job are nothing short of slimey. Is it any wonder so many employees confuse what’s acceptable in our “pop” culture with what’s acceptable in the workplace? Thanks The Ladders for making leaders’ jobs more difficult.